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I am the secretary of the All Slavonic American Association in Fresno, CA. I publish a quarterly newsletter to our membership and try to keep them informed of upcoming cultural events around the state (concerts, festivals, etc). If you have any events planned between now and Jan 1 I would be happy to publicize them in our newsletter, which is currently being written and should be mailed out Oct. 1.
You can reply at the email supplied above.
Thank you,
Donna Bronzan
Hi friends,
I'm a candidate for state senate here in Riverside County.
I don't have money to pay for add. Can you do anything on my behalf on your web site?
Thank you,
My name is Robert Sachs and I am contacting you on behalf of the Los Angeles World Affairs Council. We are a non-profit organization that hosts a variety of events that focus on international relations. On March 12, Angela Stent, a Russian foreign policy expert will be speaking with the Council on the US-Russian relations and President Vladimir Putin. This event includes a 3 course dinner and a question and answer session. If you or are interested please see our event page at: http://www.lawac.org/Default.aspx?tabid=103&eventid=30197 or contact us at (424) 258-6160. Tickets for members of the council will be $80 and for non-members $105. If you have any questions please feel to contact us.
Thank you very much and we hope to see you soon,
Robert Sachs
Имамо част и задовољство да Вас обавестимо о једном значајном српском националном пројекту
Уз подршку више српских институција и личности, а пре свих братства Манастира Хиландара, покренут је рад на играном филму о Светом Сави и Немањи, о почецима српске државе!
Филм је покренут као неопходан допринос одсудној борби за очување српског националног идентитета, за обнављање нашег система вредности, за опстанак оног позитивног дела наше посебности у светској породици народа.
Молим Вас да посебно погледате страну презентације филма:
са “ктиторским мозаиком”. Великим “онлајн” мозаиком српске духовне обнове. Идеја је да наши пријатељи допринесу остваривају филма, и и учествују у попуњавању ктиторског мозаика. Величина прилога није битна, важно је учлањење у круг национално одговорних Срба на почетку, кад су међусобно препознавање и снага која из тог препознавања долази најпотребнији.
Волели би смо да, уколико с нама делите осећање значајности овог пројекта и желите да учествујете, објавите причу о пројекту или наш банер на вашој интернет страни, и уместо новчаног износа, допринесете пројекту на тај начин. Тиме би сте се уврстили у пријатеље и даваоце подршке филма. Нама би веома значио такав Ваш гест добре воље, и били би смо Вам веома захвални.
С поштовањем
у име екипе филма ОТАЦ
Наталија Антонијевић
*Ако желите, можете да погледате и чујете и први промотивни спот који су за Фондацију као подршку пројекту снимили српски музичари на интернет адреси:
или да посетите фејсбук страну првог покретача филма ОТАЦ - “Фондација Наслеђе Отаца”.
Found a 60-yr. old handwritten, Serbian message in my autograph book from a Serbian refugee from WW II. Linguistics professor has roughly translated and summarized it to be advice passed from elder to child: "Don't steal, find your own fruit in a tree...". Is there more to this?
United Kingdom
I have recently published my debut novel, "A Safe Haven" which is based on my dad's memoirs during the former Yugoslavia in the 2nd World War. It’s a story that anyone with Serbian roots would empathise.
My dad, Dragoslav Pantic, was born in Štitare, Kruševac and the novel is a fictionalised account of his memoirs from the age of 13 as war breaks out in Europe. He joined the Royalist Serbian Army at 17 but the army, outnumbered by communist forces, retreated to Italy. They were placed in various internment camps until they were eventually sent to England for re-settlement.
Britic magazine have recently featured an article about the book. Aleks Simic for Britic writes:
“Angela Lambourne is a retired local government finance officer. Married to David and with daughter Zoe she has lived in High Wycombe all her life. Retirement for her did not mean day time television and a bit more time to potter about in the garden, retirement to her meant time to complete a 15 year long project which was to finish her debut novel.
So why is this of interest to Britic? Well Angela’s father was Serb WWII immigrant Dragoslav Pantic and her novel called “A Safe Haven” is based on his life and experiences. Something that we as a community have failed miserably to do is to trace the first steps that we took on these shores, how and why we got here and the trials and tribulations of building a new life in a strange new land.
Angela does just that in her book and was inspired by the idea that a generation of brave and dedicated people should be remembered. “I feel so passionate that the Serbians who fought for King and Country should not be forgotten,” she told Britic. Angela continues, “ Most people think that because of all the war stories out there, there are no more original tales to tell, but this is one story begging to be to told.”
The years since the 1990’s and the wars that tore up Yugoslavia and devastated the reputation of Serbs was also a driving force in her writing and she believes that, “For too long now the Serbian people have had a bad press and I think the time is long overdue for the Serbian people to be un-demonised.”
If anyone is interested in the book it is available to order through www.feedaread.com. Or www.amazon.com. It is also available to order through all major bookstores.
An e-reader edition is also available either on Kobo or Amazon Kindle.
I would be only too pleased to have any feedback passed back to me.
Many regards
Angela Lambourne.
Nenade, Procitao sam tvoj oglas, Ja vec zivim u USA preko 50 godina i doso sam kao klinac kad mi je bilo 7. Sine, nemoj da ides u "beli svet" bez da zavrsis skolu. Svi smo imali najmanje dve takve ljubavi ali znaj ovako: ne zivi se od ljubavi, Pogotovo ako hoces da se izdignes iz siromastva onda zavrsi neku skolu a tek onda misli o ljubavi. Iskreno ti kazem. Sve najbolje.
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