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Izvrstan sajt! Posecivacu ga cesce!
Serbia and Montenegro
Zelim da stupim u kontakt sa nekim ko radi u medijima...
DESTE BRACA SRBI I SESTRE! ej decko iz australije upravu si 100% mi jesmo naj jaci kad se skupimo zajedno svi to u svetu znaju videli su da amerika nama nista nije mogla oni su na bombardovali a mi pevali.! Ja sam po reklu iz NOVOG SADA VOJVODINA SRBIJA.. ja sam se preselio u kanadu 93 godine prvi put kad sam otisao u srbiju bilo je u 2000 a drugi put kad sam otisao bilo je u 2003 ali samo ocu da kazem nema veze de god da sam ja ja cu biti srbin do smrti nema veze ako 100 hrvata oko mene recicu ipak da sam srbin mi smo jak narod i uvek smo bili i uvek ce biti neko tu da pokusa da nas srusi..! ovde se druzim sa srbima i sa rusima rusi me gledaju ko jedan od njih pa i skoro jesmo isti moramo se cuvati jer smo sami ako nemamo nikoga da nam pomogne 10 godina rata i embarga je bilo dosta ratovali smo ratovali smo sa 4 nacijama i jos stojimo na nogama imalismo drugu najacu zemlju u svetu da nas bombarduje (AMERIKA) a sta smo mi radili mi smo pevali i plesali po novom sadskom mostu ( most slobode) reci te vi meni dali ima ludji narod od nas..? jer ja mislim da nema mismo se navikli na takav zivot.. a sta se nismo navikli na je da se svi slazemo.. POZDRAV SVIMA ZIVELI SRBI I SRBIJA!
I love the "You know when you are Serb" really sent me in fits. I'm Bulgarian and sooo much of the stuff is true for us true...even things like calling all cereal "corn flakes" and getting frozen ovaries in the cold. lol :-)
Hvala na urednosti I pozrtvovanom radu za nasu zajednicu, nadam se da je tvoje delovanje inspiracija nasem svetu. Kratki smo na drustvenom radu, ti i tvoj webb site su "shining star" u nasoj sredini. Pozdrav i jos jedanput hvala sto sluzis nas rod.
Awesome website - nice to see something like this actually exists for us!!! Anyone out there can tell me where I can find (buy) Serbian childrens good quality videos or DVD's? I would like my son to experience something other than The Wiggles, Barney etc...
pomozi bog !! Im a serb born in kosovska mitrovica , kosovo , srbija !! and i live in australia and in sydney the serbian population is fairly large but we do not have a web page down here alowing the serbs to know whats happening with the serb community or anything !! and i just want to congratulate the makers of this site in a way because this does bring serbs together aswell as lets us know what is happening with our people day in day out !! im 17 yrs old but i have seen that when serbs are brought together there is nothing to stop us from doing anything that includes practising our religion and culture !! it also means in bad times we are stronger then anyone and in good times we are happier then anyone !! as a kid born in kosovo i have one wish and thats for all the serbs world wide to get together and be one !! the cetniks saved us once now its our turn to save our selves !! one thing i have seen in many parts of the world were serbs live is that many are ashamed to say they are serbian and that is the first thing that is wrong !! i wrote this because i think of srbija everyday and inside i feel like we have let down every serb who has died for us because they died for our freedom but we are letting it go !! so once more who ever reads this article send it to as many serbs world wide as possible !! no matter if you are from hrvatska bosna kosovo makedonija or srbija by backround !! remember we are all orthodox by religion we all speak the serbian language and write the serbian way (cirilica) we all sing the same mars na drinu and celebrate the same vidovdan !! zivela srbija !! zbogom
Slazem se sa vec izrecenim sugestijama da prva strana treba da bude mnogo privlacnija, narocito u ponudi sadrzaja. Inace, odusevljen sam onim sto nudite i predlazem da prosirite spisak web sajtova srpskih organizacija i drustava u dijaspori, ukljucujuci i Novi Zeland.
You know you're Serbian when you can make a good living playing the accordian twice a week.
Sajt je SUPER!!! Pozdrav iz Kragujevca... Javite se...

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